Colonoscopic Surveillance after Diagnosis of Carcinoma of the Colon and Rectum. Michael Z, Potdar N, Nargund V H, Schraibman I G*. Anglo-French meeting, Hôpital St. Antoine, Paris. November 1988
An Update on Urinary Diversions. Nargund V. Irish Stoma Care Study Day. Regional Hospital, Cork. Ireland. April 1988
Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy- the Belfast Experience. Nargund V H. Punch Club. Belfast City Hospital, Belfast. N. Ireland. November 1989
The Development of a Mobile Lithotripsy Service in a NHS Trust Hospital: Flannigan GM*, Stewart P, Nargund V H, Coombs L, Gray B, Doble A. 10th World Congress on Endourology and ESWL, Singapore. September 1992
A Simple Database for Recording ESWL Results: Flannigan G*, Stewart P, Nargund V, Coombs L, Gray B, Doble A. 10th World Congress on Endourology/ ESWL, Singapore. September 1992
A New Culture Medium for Growing Bladder Cells in vitro: Nargund VH*, Barker IK, Flannigan GM, Stewart PAH, Crawford S M. Yorkshire Cancer Research Campaign- Annual Meeting: University of Hull, Hull. December 1992
Bladder Neck Incision- Which Position? Doble A*, Coombs L, Nargund V, Flannigan M, Stewart P. British Association of Urological Surgeons, Annual Meeting,Harrogate. June 1993
Differences between early passage cell lines and established cell lines- characterisation and growth studies. Nargund V H*, Barker I, Stewart PAH, Crawford SM. Audit and Research Group Meeting, Harrogate. November 1993
Audit of the Stoma Care in a District Hospital: Nargund VH*, Watson M, Ruddock KJ, Flannigan GM, Stewart PAH. The 10th Biennial Congress of the World Council of Enterostomal Therapists, Yokohama, Japan. 26th June 1994 to 1st July 1994
ESWL- Bradford Audit: Nargund V*. Punch Club Meeting, Bradford Royal Infirmary, Bradford. Nov 94
Effects of commonly used intravesical drugs on EGFR of early passage and established cell lines. Nargund V H*. Punch Club, Royal Infirmary, Bradford. Nov1994
Effects of intravesical drugs on EGFr expression of established TCC cell lines. Nargund V*, Flannigan M, Stewart P A and Crawford S M. Presented at European Society of Medical Oncologists (ESMO) Annual Congress. 21.11.1994. Lisbon, Portugal
Telomerase activity in transitional cell carcinomas. Yoshida K, Sugino T, Nargund V, Tahara H, Boledeoku J, Woodman A, Toghe T and Tarin D*. 172nd Meeting of Pathological Society of Great Britain And Ireland, London UK. January 1996
Telomerase activity in transitional cell carcinoma: Its implications for non-invasive bladder cancer. Nargund V*, Yoshida K, Smith J C, Fellows G J, Cranston D W and Tarin D. British Association of Urological Surgeons. Annual meeting, June 1996. Edinburgh
Telomerase activity in transitional cell carcinoma: Its implications for non-invasive bladder cancer. Yoshida K*, Nargund V, Sugino T, Tahara H, Boledeoku J, Woodman A, Toghe T, Tarin D. T. 9th International Conference of Pathology, Pisa, Italy. Sept 1996
Haematuria: A long-term problem after prostatectomy. Nargund V*, Noble J, Cranston D, Fellows G. British Association of Urological Surgeons. Annual Meeting, Harrogate June 1998
Chemotherapy ±Partial orchidectomy for testis conservation in patients with germ cell cancer (GCC): Is It safe, is it justified? Nargund V*, OliverT, Baithun S, Ong J, Sohab A, Reznek R, Badenoch D, Paris AMI. British Association of Urological Surgeons. Annual Meeting, Harrogate. June 1998
Prostate cancer imaging with Indium-111 labelled monoclonal antibody to prostate membrane specific antigen (PMSA). Fenely MR*, Jan H, Granowska M, Mather SJ, Ellison D, Oliver RT , Badenoch DF, Chinegwundoh FC, Nargund VH, Paris AMI, Britton KE. British Association of Urological Surgeons. Annual Meeting, Harrogate. June 1998
Bladder sparing with synchronous combination chemo/radiotherapy in invasive bladder cancer. Mulatero C W*, Bozcuk H s, Oliver R T D, Mair G, Nargund V H. 23rd European Society of Medical Oncologists Annual Congress, Athens, Greece 1998
Testicular Seminoma diagnosed by annual ultrasound surveillance for testicular microlithiasis. Otite U*, Nambirajan T, Berney D M, Badenoch D F and Nargund V H. Clinico-pathological Meeting Royal Society of Medicine . Jan 2000
Antegrade JJ-Stenting in malignant ureteric obstruction still ahs a role: Otite U*, Dacie J, Chan L, Nambirajan T, Maheshkumar and Nargund V H. XV Congress of the European Association of Urology Meeting, Brussels, Belgium. April 2000
Testicular Microlithiasis: A Benign Condition with a malignant association or simply a pre-malignant condition?” Otite U*, Nambirajan T, Chan L, Webb J, Badenoch D, Hendry W, Nargund V. American Urological Association Annual Meeting. April 2000
A comparison of Power and Colour Doppler in TRUS of the prostate- Otite U*, Nambirajan T, Chan L, Kumar M, Stewart E, Nargund V. British Association of Urological Surgeons, Annual Meeting Birmingham June 2000
Testicular Microlithiasis: A Benign Condition or a premalignant condition?” Otite U*, Nambirajan T, Chan L, Webb JW, Badenoch D F, Hendry W F, Nargund V H. British Association of Urological Surgeons. June 2000
Lysosomal associated membrane proteins in the assessment of basement mambrane invasion in superficial transitional carcinoma of the bladder. Mahesh Kumar*, J Martin, V H Nargund, Burney D. British Association of Urological Surgeons, June 2000
Dose intensification (q10 vs. q21/28) of chemotherapy and synchronous chemo/ radiation as strategies to improve bladder cancer outcome. T Oliver, T Goonewardene, G Mair, C Boshoff, R Ravi, J Hill. M Singh, C Fowler, V Nargund, T Philp. British Association of Urological Surgeons, June 2000
Expression of transforming growth factor receptors type 1 and type2 in superficial transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder. Mahesh Kumar*, J Martin, V H Nargund, Burney D. British Association of cancer Research. Annual Meeting June 2000
Cyclooxygenase2 expression in superficial TCC bladder. M. Kumar*, J Martin, V Nargund, Burney D. British Association of Cancer Research. Annual Meeting. June 2000
A comparison of power and colour Doppler in transrectal ultrasound of the prostate. Otite U, Chan L, Mahesh Kumar, Nargund V H*. European Society of Urogenital Radiology. ESUR 2000. Royal College of Physicians, London. Sept 2000
Percutaneous Antegrade Ureteric Stenting is still an effective treatment for malignant ureteric obstruction. Otite U*, Dacie J, Chan L, Nambirajan T, Kumar M, Nargund V. European Society of Urogenital Radiology: Royal College of Physicians, London. Sept 2000
Testicular Microlithiasis: A Benign Condition or a premalignant condition?” Otite U, Nambirajan T, Chan L, Webb J, Badenoch D, Hendry W, Nargund V*. European Society of Uro-genital Radiology (ESUR 2000) Royal College of Physicians, London 22.09.2000
Evaluation of testicular blood flow and inhibin-B levels in the assessment of spermatogenic activity in normal and infertile men. Gordon S*,Nargund V. Urological Research Society January 2003. RCS London
Role of cycloxygenase 2 in superficial TCC bladder. M Kumar, Martin J, Otite U, Gordon S, Nargund V, Berney D. European Association of Urology 2001, Geneva
New radio-labelled monoclonal antibody Tc-99m J591 against the external domain of prostate specific membrane antigen in the management of prostate cancer. Gordon S, Otite U, Bharadwa J, Mather S, Bander N, Canizales A, Britton K, Nargund V*. EORTC Annual Conference, Geneva, February 2001
Detection of serum and urinary beta human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCGb) by immunoradiometric assay and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay: Is this a useful marker for the clinical management of prostate cancer? Otite U, Iles R k, Jacoby E, Sheaff M, Chinegwundoh F C, Nargund V H, Baithun S. 18th European Congress of Pathology, Berlin, Germany. Sept 2001
Aminoterminal propeptide of type I procollagen is a useful marker in the clinical management of prostate cancer. Iles R, Otite U, Jefferson K, Jahnke U, Sheaff M, Nargund V H, Chinegwundoh F, Persad R, Baithun S. 18th European Congress of Pathology,Berlin Germany. September 2001
Tamsulosin in the management of patients in acute urinary retention due to BPH. Lucas M, Stephenson T, Nargund V H*. Presented in European Association of Urology, Birmingham 2002
Britton K E*, Gordon S J, Canizales A, Otite U, Mather S J, Ellison D, Elnaas S, Jan H, Bander N H, Nargund V H. Prostate cancer imaging with 99Tcm-J591 monoclonal antibody against prostate specific membrane antigen. 29th Annual Meeting, British Nuclear Medicine Society, Brighton 2001
Lucas M*, Stephenson T and Nargund V. Tamsulosin reduces the need for recatheterisation in elderly male patients with a subsequent episode of acute urinary retention due to benign prostatic hyperplasia. 100th AUA, Orlando, USA. May 2002
Gordon S*, Bharadwa J, Campbell S, Nargund V H. Relationship between testicular blood flow and infertility. BAUS Glasgow 2003
Oliver RTD*, Berney D and Nargund VH. Testis conserving chemotherapy in Germ Cell Cancer: Its potential to increase understanding of the biology and treatment of carcinoma in situ. British Oncological association (BOA), Brighton 2002
Bhardwa J, Maheshkumar P, Berney D, Martin JE, Nargund VH. Gene expression profiling of superficial bladder cancer using DNA chip technology. British Urological Society meeting, London. January 2003.
Gordon S J*, Campbell SC, Nargund VH. Testicular arterial blood flow as a marker of spermatogenesis. Annual meeting, American Urological Association, San Francisco, 2004
Nargund VH*, Al-Hashimi D, Kumar P, Gordon S, Otite U, Ellison D, Carroll M, Britton K. Imaging with radiolabelled monoclonal antibody specific for extracellar domain of prostate specific membrane antigen (PSMA) in staging prostate carcinoma for patients undergoing radical prostatectomy. Annual meeting, American Urological Association May 2004
Priya Kumar*, Bhardwa JM, Kapoor S, Nargund V H. Treatment of anastomotic strictures following RRP: An alternative approach using balloon dilatation. 27th Congress of Société Internationale d’Urologie October 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii
Priya Kumar, Nargund V H. Samuel Pepys: A Patient. 27th Congress of Société Internationale d’Urologie October 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii
Bhardwa J M, Sahadev A, Chew S, Oliver R T D and Nargund V H. Natural history of renal lesions in von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease: A single centre experience. November 2005. BAUS (Oncol) Annual Meeting, Edinburgh
Kumar P, Baithun S, Oliver RTD, Pati J, Nargund VH. Lymphangiogenesis in germ cell tumours of the testis. Society for Basic Urologic Research. Miami,USA. Dec 2005
Priya Kumar, Baithun S, Oliver R T D, Nargund V H. Angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis in Testicular Germ Cell Tumours. Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Winter Meeting, Robinson College & University of Cambridge, Cambridge: 4-6 January 2006
Nora Brennan, Khurshid Ghani, Vinod Nargund. Modernising Urological Training – A Nationwide Survey. BAUS Annual Meeting 2006, Manchester
Bose P, Kumar P, Nargund V, Pati J. Reasons for not attending Outpatient Clinic. BAUS Annual Meeting 2006, Manchester
Priya Kumar, Baithun S, Oliver R T D, Nargund V H. Angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis in Testicular Germ Cell Tumours. BAUS Annual Meeting 2006, Manchester
Oliver RTD, Samash J and Nargund V. Preliminary evaluation of chemotherapy plus residual tumour excision for testis conservation to provide justification for a randomized trial versus orchidectomy to reduce metabolic syndrome in patients with germ cell cancer. ASCO May 29 – June 2, 2009 Orlando, Florida , USA